I've noticed that a lot of knitterly blogs contain a list of what people are currently knitting. I started listing mine over on the side there, deciding to only include those items which I've actually put a row or two into during the past week. It's becoming obvious to me that the whole short attention span thing is definitely a problem of some ki.... Oooh! Look! Shiny!
Now, where was I? Oh, yes, it's a kind of problem when you're as easily distracted as some of us are. Because there are a lot of other WIP's that just didn't make the list, because I haven't worked on them lately. I can actually move the Opal socks to a completed projects list, because I finished them thanks to a lot of time in cars this week. You can see them over on the side.

Since they're done, I of course had to cast on a new pair. Here we have the beginnings of a pair of Opal Tiger socks for The Boy, who is a major Bengals fan. This is only scary as I already have several other pairs of socks on the needles, and I'm am drowning in UFO's.

Last fall, I taught a class in the Wonderful Wallaby at my favorite LYS,
Fiber Naturell in Montgomery, OH. Last fall. And, I knit a size 2T Wallaby as a class sample. Then, I cast on another Wallaby in size 2T, to have a sweater to knit along with the class. In Bright Orange Canadiana, one of the few acrylic yarns that I like to knit with. By the last class, I was almost finished with the hood. I am still almost finished with the hood. This sweater has almost had a birthday, almost finished with the hood. I seriously have maybe an hour's worth of knitting and finishing work left on this. I am going to try to get this done & put it out of my misery very soon.

I love this pattern. It's
Snowflake's Chance in Hell, from the
AntiCraft.com. The designers are Renée Rigdon and Zabet Stewart. These are just completely cool. They are also duplicate stitched. I think I might have finished them by now if I'd done them in Fair Isle. As it stands, I'm still on the first arm, and these have definitely had a least one birthday. Possibly two, by now. I want to finish these because I am knitting them in the local school colors, and I think I need to wear them to at least one football game.
By the way, if you go to their site to check out the pattern, you owe it to yourself to check out the knitter's guide to an
emergency survival kit for when the zombies attack. Because you never know.

Now, these socks being unfinished is just plain sad. I bought the yarn for these from
Cider Moon up at the
Knitter's Connection earlier this year. It's their Glacier yarn, a superwash light worsted weight which is completely fun to knit with. They had small sample skeins of lots of their colors. I like their colors. And, having listened to Cat Bordhi's presentation on different ways of knitting socks, I decided to try my first pair of toe up socks. I finished knitting the first sock while I was still up there. I finished knitting the second one soon after I got back. I finished another whole pair of these for the brother in law that I like, and gave them to him while I was out in Jersey. I still have not sewn the ends in on this pair. To be fair, I do not ever wear socks in the summer. I have warm feet, so I did not anticipate wearing these soon.
This may actually have worked out ok for me in this case. While wasting time, I mean doing productive computer work, on Ravelry earlier today, I came across a post in the Socknitter's Anonymous group. Kemtee has a young friend
who likes socks, and who needs to perhaps a little fun in her life right now. And she likes socks that don't match. In bright colors. Hello, it looks like this pair of socks might have been made with her in mind. Plus, her feet are the same size as mine. Coincidence? I think not. Obviously, the reason I did not finish these for several months is that they apparently were not made for me, as I thought at the time.
And these were only a few in the top layer of UFO's down in the dark, scary basement. I know that I have at least one project that is older than The Boy. The Boy is a sophmore at Miami University (in Ohio). I will leave it as an exercise for the interested student to do the math on that one. (And no, he is not the first 3 year old sophmore in the history of the university.)
In an effort to obtain a little focus on actually finishing things, I've signed up for the
Stashalong Blog. I'm going with Option #3, the WIP/Numbers game. I'm going to commit to finishing some of the projects I have before I can shop for more yarn. This is going to be interesting, since the requirement is finishing, not just casting on and starting. I may have to dig out the Alien fingerless gloves and get the pattern finished.
Wish me luck. I'm going to need all the help I can g... OOoooh! Is that a new shawl pattern over there?